Dr. Hans Boateng

How to Retire Early, Stop the Paycheck to Paycheck Struggle, and Build Generational Wealth with Smart Investments!

Hosted by Dr. Hans, Your Trusted Investing Tutor: a seasoned architect of wealth who has transformed countless lives.
The Only Investing Training You'll Ever Need

Here’s What You’ll Learn

Why Investing Can Be Simple and Easy to Understand

You Don’t Need A Lot of Money to Invest

Exploring the Use of Margin: Understanding the Benefits and Risks
Strategies to Manage and Understand Investment Risks
Understanding Compound Interest and Its Role in Long-Term Wealth Building

Hello! I’m Dr. Hans!

Some know me as the Investing Tutor, but I’m also a devoted husband, father and very proud Ghanaian. I’m so honored to be in a position to not only inform you about the benefits and how-to’s of investing, but to serve my community so that we may prosper financially in ways that other wealthy communities are able to.

Before we get into all of the exciting possibilities of investing, I’d like to share my story with you. I think it’s important that you understand my beginnings, because it’s very easy for us to feel like we can’t achieve our dreams because of where we come from or because of what we lack. That is simply not true…

I was born in the country of Ghana in West Africa. While my parents were able to make a decent living in our home country, they sought to give us a more prosperous life. So, when I was just a little boy, they moved us to the United States of America.

As any immigrant knows, it’s incredibly challenging to move across the world and integrate into an entirely new world, culture and economic class. Now living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, we fell to the bottom 10% of earners with very little guidance on how to move up.

Like many immigrants, we made our way in America by following extremely common advice: go to school, get a good education, find a good job, buy a house and settle down. I heard that over and over and over again. This is what I was taught was the “American Dream”. So, I followed that path…at first. I was going to school, earning my degree and working very hard. (Eventually, I bought a home, married and had children as well.)

But you know what I learned while on that path?

There isn’t much wealth to be gained.

Then I looked around and noticed that there wasn't much wealth in my community. Many people went to school, got good jobs, but they were living paycheck to paycheck. The paychecks were bigger, but so was their expenses. They hadn't learned the strategies to build wealth and leverage the American financial system to their advantage. The potential was there but no one was teaching it to us. But my breaking point came when I was introduced to the concept of investing through Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. When all of this started, I didn't know anything about investing, but that book was the first of many to change my life.

One day, I stumbled on this tool online, a compound interest calculator. It shows you how money can grow if you invest it. At that time I was earning minimum wage. So, I wanted to know how much could be gained by just investing $100 a month as a minimum wage worker with a bare minimum market return which is about 10%. I learned that I would have a million dollars by the time I was ready for retirement.

My first thought was…
“What?! This is crazy! Why has NO ONE ever told me about investing?!

From that moment, I dedicated myself to learning about investing and becoming an educated investor. I went off to study hundreds and hundreds of books, tens of thousands of financial journals and articles, wanting to learn from some of the best investors of all time. I did this for the better part of a decade.

I took bits and pieces of everything I learned (and continue to learn) to become who I am today. Through my education and real world experience, created easy to understand programs sharing all my secrets for others to learn investing and begin their wealth building journey in the simplest way possible.

I believe whole-heartedly that it is my duty to pass the knowledge on to my community. Wealth is not simply about how much money you’ve been able to make for yourself. Real wealth trickles down and spreads. It is not enough for me to simply prosper. My community must prosper as well. So, I have dedicated my life to making sure people in our community know how to invest and build wealth.

Regardless of where you are in your investment journey, I am here to help you learn investing in a simple, straightforward way. I want to help you overcome your fears around investing. You don’t need a lot of money to start and you don’t have to risk everything you have. With a little knowledge and guidance, you can invest and grow your wealth like a pro.

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